Silver has been used for centuries in coins, objects, and to make jewelry. Sterling silver is a mixture of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% of another metal, usually copper. The copper strengthens the silver and gives it shine.  Silver is malleable and easy to work with, which made it a popular choice for jewelry making. It is also less expensive than gold or platinum, making it more affordable and available to more people.

A downside to sterling silver is that it can tarnish and turn your jewelry piece dark or even black. ManySterling silver wire swirl necklace. Handmade by an artist in Virginia. people choose not to buy silver jewelry for this reason. Tarnish is surface corrosion caused by sulfur compounds in the air. Prolonged exposure to air, humidity, sun, and certain chemicals can all cause jewelry to tarnish. The time it takes a piece to tarnish depends on the conditions it is worn and stored in. Some pieces may start to tarnish in a few days, some may take years to show any signs of tarnish.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent or to slow the tarnishing process. Put on your jewelry AFTER you have finished your beauty routine including putting on makeup and doing your hair. That way you avoid getting chemicals from the makeup, hairspray, and perfume on your jewelry, chemicals that may speed up the tarnishing process. When you take your jewelry off at night you can gently rub the piece with a soft cloth. If you feel like the jewelry has been exposed to many chemicals throughout the day you can soak the piece in warm water with detergent and gently brush it with a soft toothbrush. Make sure is fully dry before storing it. If you are not going to wear the piece for a while store it properly. You don’t want it just sitting on top of your dresser exposed to the elements. You can store it is a soft cloth bag or in a jewelry box that is lined with velvet. You can also purchase anti tarnish strips which you can put in the little bag or jewelry box. They are available at many large retailers or online. Here is one online source.

Sometimes, even if you are doing everything correctly your jewelry might still become dull. There are many ways to clean sterling silver jewelry including many products you can buy to help keep your silver jewelry sparkly. I am not a fan of these products. They smell terrible and can be caustic. You should never use these kinds of cleaners if your jewelry contains soft stones like opals, pearls, shell. The chemicals in the cleaner will damage these kinds of stones. I prefer more natural methods of cleaning your silver jewelry. You can clean it with things you probably have in your pantry already. 

Aluminum Foil and Baking Soda

Was science your favorite class? This method uses a chemical reaction to clean the tarnish off of your sterling silver jewelry. Line a heat proof dish or bowl with aluminum foil. I use glass or Pyrex because it stands up to the heat of the boiling water well. Place the jewelry piece on the foil. It needs to be touching the foil. I sometimes take smaller pieces of foil and wad them up and set them around the piece so more of it is in contact with the foil. Sprinkle baking soda on top of the piece you are cleaning and cover the piece with boiling water. The piece of jewelry needs to be fully submerged in the water. Leave it rest for 15 to 20 minutes until the water cools.  Then you can rinse it off with cool water and dry it with a soft lint free cloth. If the piece was really tarnished, you can lightly brush it with a soft toothbrush. Again, do this after the water has cooled.

Lemon Juice and Salt

Making a paste out of lemon juice and salt is a natural way to clean sterling silver jewelryLemon juice is acidic, and salt is abrasive the perfect combination to get rid of tarnish.  You will need lemon juice, salt, a small bowl, a soft lint free cloth and possibly a soft toothbrush. Make a paste using equal parts salt and lemon juice. Using the cloth gently rub the piece of jewelry to remove the tarnish. If the tarnish is stubborn or if there are crevices or prongs on the piece you can take a soft toothbrush to work the paste into those areas. Rince with cool water and thoroughly dry.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

This is another acidic solution you can use to clean your sterling silver jewelry. The baking soda is less abrasive than the salt in the method above. Gather vinegar, baking soda, bowl, soft lint free cloth and optionally a soft toothbrush. Mix one part vinegar with two parts baking soda. You can start to clean your silver piece right away using the cloth to rub the solution on, however, I usually soak the piece in theVinegar and Baking powder is a safe, natural, and cost-effective way to clean sterling silver jewelry. solution for about ten minutes to loosen the tarnish before using the cloth. Make sure to rinse the piece with cool water and dry it before storing. You can use a cloth to dry it or a hair dryer on a low setting.

These are just three of the many ways to clean your sterling silver jewelry with products that you have around the house. These methods are very cost effective, natural and safe. They will bring the sparkle back to your favorite piece of sterling silver jewelry.  One word of caution. If the jewelry has soft and easily damaged stones incorporated into the design, be extra careful. I use a lot of pearls, shell, mother of pearl, and other natural elements in my silver jewelry designs. When I clean the pieces, I am extra careful to avoid rubbing the solutions onto the stones. The abrasiveness of the salt and baking soda can scratch the stones. If you are at all worried, I suggest taking the piece to a jeweler that has an ultrasonic cleaning machine.

Wearing your jewelry often and caring for it and storing it properly will keep it bright for a long while before you have to clean it again. Thank you for reading my article. Please leave any comment in the comments section. Thank you for supporting artists and local businesses!